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Everything you thought you knew about China is wrong
Published in the Hobart Mercury, December 1, 2023 Everything you thought you knew about China is wrong. At least that is my experience,...

Common interests, common challenges: 50 years of Australia-China relations
A half century is a significant milestone. After 50 years, the relationship between China and Australia stands as a signature example of...

How Australia can better address its real security threat - dislocation from the region
The recent failure of Australia to be consulted, let alone to have any influence, on the Solomon Islands security agreement with China...

Contest in the Pacific: China - Pacific islands economic diplomacy
Despite the creation of a 10+1 China - Pacific Islands Economic Development and Cooperation forum, there is no regional Pacific islands...

Despite AUKUS, a China-Australia relationship reset is possible
The geopolitical posturing behind AUKUS is unremarkable for Australia but it needs a grand strategy for peace and prosperity

Nuclear subs lock in Australia's course in Asia
Australia has chosen a side, tying its future security to deeper integration into the US contest with China and furthering its separation...

Australia and China need a circuit-breaker
Just like Whitlam's visit 50 years ago, Australia needs a circuit-breaker in its deteriorating relationship with its major economic...

Geopolitical rivalry is no answer to managing the pressing risks of new technology
Robust, zero-trust, supplier-blind cybersecurity would benefit from some global rules

The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank: lessons for an Australia China strategy?
The Australia China relationship prospered while it required no real strategy apart from making hay. Both countries benefited enormously...

An Open Letter for Open Minds between Australia and China
Growing up in a multicultural place like Australia, I was lucky to have the best of many worlds. We had Chinese food, Greek cafes and my...

Australia and the Indo-Pacific's shifting power dynamics
Originally published by In Focus, September 2020 and, if you don't have time to read the whole piece, an abbreviated version was...

It's time for a Pacific "step in" to Australia's council of governments
Australia’s engagement with the Pacific must step-up from donor-recipient relationships to whole-of-government, enduring partnerships

Decade of Risk
We are facing a crisis of international cooperation in this decade of risk. We need to rethink how to solve global challenges

The Belt and Road Initiative and the Geopolitics of the South Pacific
Australia sees the South Pacific through a security lens, China has economic priorities. Might they partner for sustainable development?
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