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China has much to lose as war in Ukraine turns Europe away from globalisation
A view from Central Europe, from interviews conducted for an EU-funded, Erasmus + Jean Monnet Research Network survey of Eurasian...

Myanmar’s Perfect Storm of Risks on China’s Belt and Road
Because of its strategic location between major regional powers, Myanmar’s participation in China’s Belt and Road Initiative inevitably...

In the middle of a perfect storm: political risks of the Belt and Road project at Kyaukphyu, Myanmar
China’s Belt and Road Initiative features major initiatives in South and South East Asia and beyond for infrastructure connectivity and...

The US “Clean Network” Risks Undermining a Rules-Based Tech World
The new US-China tech war: at stake is who sets the rules for data, communications, AI-driven networks of the future

Managing political risks on the Belt and Road
This year has demonstrated the critical importance of managing risks. An Expert Blog on Belt and Road risks

Decoupling: Trump's Challenge to the Global Order
The US is pushing to decouple from China, but the Trump administration’s geopolitical confrontation with Beijing is spooking others

Global opportunities, but with political risks
China is taking a leading role in world order. A closer look at the Belt & Road Initiative can help to understand - and manage - the risks

Political risk on the Belt and Road
China's Belt & Road Initiative has generated a discourse of political risks, at the same time as rising US-China geopolitical contest

Social credit: the next China risk for business
As China recovers from the Covid-19 crisis, the apparatus of the state is about to be devoted to a new form of social control. By the...

China fear in a time of Covid
The West is gripped by China fear and risks are catastrophised, yet we must find a way to live with China, to manage risks

Decade of Risk
We are facing a crisis of international cooperation in this decade of risk. We need to rethink how to solve global challenges
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